Curriculum for Wales Summary

Our Curriculum has been co-constructed through engaging with all stakeholders and will meet the following requirements.

Our Vision:

We will provide our young people with a safe and nurturing environment where individuality and cultural diversity is celebrated and valued. All our learners will experience an equitable and inclusive curriculum encompassing the four purposes enabling them to be ambitious, curious and resilient global citizens. They will have experiences that will inspire and encourage future aspirations both locally and beyond.

Our Values:

  • My Cynefin
  • Ready, Safe and Respectful
  • Empathy and Resilience
  • Ambitious and Confident
  • Happy and Healthy
  • Curious and Resourceful
Outdoor Fridays Outdoor Fridays Outdoor Fridays Outdoor Fridays Outdoor Fridays Outdoor Fridays

Our Inclusive Curriculum:

Our Curriculum will raise the aspirations of all our learners. This will be achieved through carefully planning, resources, support and assessment. At the heart of Neyland Community School is the attention to our young people's health and well-being in order to allow them to fully access school life. This is achieved through class-based ELSA provision, a whole school Trauma Informed and Nurture approach The Haven Nurture Base.

    The Four Purposes:

    The Four Purposes drive our curriculum design and planning. Our school will support our learners to become:

    • ambitious, capable learners, ready to learn throughout their lives
    • enterprising, creative contributors, ready to play a full part in life and work
    • ethical, informed citizens of Wales and the world
    • healthy, confident individuals, ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society

    The statements of what matters:

    Our curriculum will provide opportunities and experiences to develop the key concepts, knowledge and skills as described in the statements of what matters and in line with the Statements of What Matters Code.

    This is also developed in line with our Cluster schools to ensure raised expectations and progression for Secondary School.

    Ambitious Capable Learners Confident Healthy Individuals Creative Enterprising Contribut Ethical Informed Citizens

    Areas of Learning and Experience:

    Our Curriculum will provide learning experiences through the 6 AoLEs of: 

    The links above have further information about each area, created by our AoLE leads, the links in the website navigation under the 'Our Curriculum'.

    Safeguarding Children Safeguarding Children Safeguarding Children Safeguarding Children

    Learning, Progression and Assessment:

    Our Curriculum design is underpinned by the twelve pedagogical principles (pedagogical principles). At Neyland Community School, we ensure that we develop effective teaching and learning opportunities which will enable our learners to make meaningful progress in all areas of the curriculum. We have developed our own assessment procedures to encourage learners to self-reflect and assess their own performance in line with our Learning Wheels. This, in turn, supports teacher assessment in line with the progression code. Our assessment rationale and procedures inform all our planning opportunities and experiences for our children. This can be viewed in our Assessment Procedures and Diary document.

    Welsh and English:

    As an English Medium School, we use the language of Welsh daily for instruction, welcomes, commands, drilling exercises etc. Welsh is taught using the Continwwm Iaith from Progression Step 1 – Progression Step 3 (link document). Our Welsh provision is championed by our Criw Cymraeg groups represented by pupils from Year 1 – 6 Criw Cymraeg  English is taught as part of the LLC strand throughout the school from Nursery – Year 6 and explicitly using RWi  (Read, Write inc) to teach phonics.

    Cross-curricular skills:

    Our curriculum will develop the mandatory cross-curricular skills of literacy, numeracy and digital competence. Our curriculum will enable learners to develop competence and capability in these skills and to extend and apply them across all Areas. Learners will be given opportunities across the curriculum to:

    • develop listening, reading, speaking and writing skills
    • be able to use numbers and solve problems in real-life situations
    • be confident users of a range of technologies to help them function and communicate effectively and make sense of the world

    This will be achieved both inside the classroom and through regular outdoor learning opportunities. Our passion for outdoor learning is shared on our website Our Outdoor Learning  and as a case study on the Partneriath website Neyland CP School Case Study

    UNCRC (United Nation's Convention on the Rights of the Child)/UNCPRD (Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities):

    At Neyland Community School we strongly believe in promoting the UNCRC/UNCPRD within the school through our ethos and our cross-curricular links. This is achieved by regular training opportunities and the work of our Rights Respecting Ambassadors that are represented from Year 1 – 6 Our RRS Ambassadors

    CWRE (Career and Work Related Education):

    We believe that CWRE is fundamental in developing skills for work and life to help our learners understand the relationship between their learning and the world of work. We promote opportunities within the community both in school and off-site to develop CWRE skills. Close work with our locality and Cluster will also promote learning experiences particularly alongside Pembroke Dock Marine Community Development group.

    RSE (Relationship and Sex Education):

    We embrace and develop RSE within our school as we believe it has a positive and empowering role in our young people's education and plays a vital role in supporting them to realise the four purposes as part of our whole school approach RSE Code This is achieved by consistent teaching approaches through Jigsaw PSHE, Empathy Lab and Mindfulness/Pause Points yoga. We truly believe this is what makes our school unique and ensures a safe environment based on trust and respect for all The Neyland Way.


    RVE (Religious Values and Ethics):

    RVE is a statutory requirement of the Curriculum for Wales and is mandatory for all learners from ages 3 to 16. There is no parental right to request that a child is withdrawn from RVE in the

    Curriculum for Wales. As RVE is a locally determined subject, the agreed syllabus specifies what should be taught in RVE within the local authority and our curriculum will reflect this guidance.

    Messy Play in Nursery Small World in Nursery Role Play in Nursery

    Review and refinement:

    Our school curriculum will be kept under review in order to respond to the outputs of professional inquiry, the changing needs of learners and social contexts and needs. The reviews will take into account the views of stakeholders and will be signed off by the Governing Body. We will publish a summary of our curriculum and revise the summary if changes to the curriculum are made during the review process. This will be located on this web page.

    Reviewed annually or when appropriate. Next Review: September 2023


    Chair Of Governors:

    Pupil Voice representatives
    School Parliament:
    Eco Warriors:
    Criw Cymraeg:
    Rights Respecting Ambassadors:

    July 2022